Apr 22, Celebrate Earth Day, get involved in political change



Our children can’t vote.

They can’t compel the people in power to answer to the facts. They can’t hold politicians accountable for authoritarian power-grabs and incompetence.

They can’t vote to ensure that their families will have access to clean air, water, and affordable health care.

They can't pressure policymakers to fund the teaching of science in our schools, or vote for politicians who will address the skyrocketing costs of higher education.

They can’t fire politicians who condone racists, or break the law, or forcibly separate immigrant families – inflicting needless anguish and trauma on innocent young children.

They can’t stop politicians from denying children their birthright – a society that responds intelligently and responsibly to scientific data, a world that pulls together to fight the disastrous consequences of pollution and climate change.

There’s a lot going wrong in the world. But unlike our children, we have power. In the world’s democracies, many crucial elections are being decided by razor-thin margins. Every vote counts.

So please exercise your right to vote, a right that many people have fought and died for. 

First, make sure you are registered to vote.

If you live in the United States, be aware that many states have purged voter registration rolls, so it's advisable to confirm that you are still actively registered. Vote.org offers tools to help you (1) confirm your registration, and (2)get registered if you are not already on the rolls. You can also navigate the process using this official usa.gov website.

Child holding giant globe of the earth.

Then go to the polls and cast your vote.

If think you won't be able to make it to the polls on election day, request an absentee ballot.

If election officials tell you that they can't find your registration information, demand a provisional ballot and get a receipt. Most U.S. states allow for the casting of provisional ballots.

And pass the message along.

Tell your friends and colleagues to vote. We don’t all agree on everything. Reasonable people may differ on all sorts of policies and issues. But we can come together to defend the basic principles of democracy and justice, and to insist that politicians work to avert environmental disaster.

People who deny or suppress scientific facts must not control our children’s future.

More reading

You can learn more about climate change from NASA. In addition to the information it provides to adults, the agency also hosts this educational website for kids.

Source: https://www.parentingscience.com/vote-for-a-better-future.html

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