Girl Scout Cookies Samoas Bars

By: Terita

Time for a make-at-home treat! Kids will flip for these sweet, chewy Girl Scout Cookies Samoas Bars that taste like the boxed cookie classic.

homemade girl scout cookie samoas bars

When we crave a sweet treat, we go homemade. Why? First of all, because freshly-made treats are the tastiest treats. Second of all, we love to use ingredients we know and trust! Especially when we’re cooking for, and with, our kids.

These Girl Scout Cookies Samoas Bars are absolutely indulgent, layered with a crunchy cookie base, chewy coconut caramel and bittersweet chocolate. Are these an everyday food around here? Nope, and nope. Try Healthy Carrot and Apple Breakfast Oat Cookies for that.

But the next time you’re looking for a special treat and a fun baking activity to share with your kids, this one’s exactly right!

homemade girl scout cookie samoas bars

How to Make Girl Scout Cookies Samoas Bars

Because it’s got so many layers of chewy goodness, this recipe takes a little time–and a few different bowls–to make. If you’re looking for a lazy weekend baking project to make with your kids, this recipe is perfect. (If you’re on the hunt for a quick and easy sweet treat, you might want to try these Nutella Truffles. Or maybe these 3-Ingredient Rice Crispy Treats.)

To make these bars, you’ll prepare each of the three layers separately, then assemble them all together into one sweet square of amazing-ness.

Treat the first layer of these bars more or less like cookie dough: mix together the sugar, butter, flour, egg, vanilla, and salt in turn, then press this mixture into a baking dish and bake it. Easy!

Next, you’ll toast your coconut flakes in the oven, and stir them together with caramels melted in the trusty microwave with a splash of milk. Pro tip: kids love the cool science of solid caramels melting in the microwave, and during stirring. Let them do this part! Spread the coconut and caramel mixture over your cookie base, cool and cut your bars, and then it’s chocolate time. (Who loves chocolate time? Everybody loves chocolate time.)

homemade girl scout cookie samoas bars

Melt chocolate chips in the microwave and dip each bar into the warm chocolate. Set the bars on parchment paper to cool. Then drizzle the last of the chocolate on top of the bars.

All done! Just try your very very hardest not to devour these Girl Scout Cookies Samoas Bars before they cool all the way. They can be very messy when the chocolate isn’t fully cooled. Ask us how we know.

homemade girl scout cookie samoas bars Girl Scout Samoas Bars | Healthy Ideas and Recipes for Kids


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