Did I feed germs to my sweet little daughter?

By: Arjun KR

stomach upset in children

I had a horrible time a couple of months ago. My sweet little girl would be visiting paediatrician nearly every month for Vomiting and stomach upsets. And invariably the doctor was suggesting food poisoning. I used to have sleepless nights washing the bed sheets and cleaning the house and taking care of Megha.

I started feeding her only home-made food but it still continued. I went in fact to buy the food steriliser and used to give her food after sterilizing, no outside food, no cakes, pizza and only bottled water.Still very often she was getting ill.On my friends suggestion I even had exclusive plates, utensils and cutlery for Megha, but still the saga continued..

4 months back my maid Komala went on leave for 4 days and you know how important and integral maids are in our lives.. I had to wash all the utensils at home and that’s when I saw my soggy Scrubber- all filthy and dirty.Was I using this all these days to clean my sweetie’s utensils? I was shocked! Immediately I disposed it and took a new Scotch-brite but this issue was running in my mind and I instructed my maid to keep changing the pad often.Even though I made her wash the scrub pad often, post usage there were food particles stuck to it. Should I use a new scrub everytime??

When I was lingering on these thoughts I was shopping in Bigbasket and saw a new product called Scotch-Brite Antibacterial Scrub pad. I realised that this could disinfect my utensils and I thought I will buy next time.Then a couple of days later, while shopping in Big Bazaar I came across the same product and when I took the pack and read, I was delighted and excited to see that the Scotch-Brite Anti Bacterial Scrub pad does not disinfect the utensil, it disinfects itself and does not allow bacteria or germs to grow on itself.. This is what I was searching for.. I saw a small size for Rs.15 and a little larger size for Rs.20, Picked up the larger one about 3 pads for Rs.55.

I came home and disposed the existing scrubber and opened the new Scotch-Brite Antibacterial scrub pad and I could feel the neem smell in the scrub pad which gave me the confidence that yes what they are saying should work, after all neem is the best natural disinfectant we know..

The pack claimed that the Scrub Pad is fortified with an anti-bacterial property that prevents bacteria from growing on the pad. I asked my maid to use the new Scotch-Brite Anti bacterial Scrub Pad and discard all other Scrubbers.

My old Scrubber use to get smelly and slimy in about a week, but this new Scotch-Brite Antibacterial Scrub pad remained fresher even after 3 weeks of use and there was no bad odour of left over food and no slime.

I was very happy. And touch wood Megha has been healthy and fit ever since and my paediatrician called over to check whether I have changed my doctor…

I actually wanted to share this with all my other mom friends that we least expect that the scrubber which is supposed to clean is a carrier of contamination.

Try the Scotch-brite Antibacterial Scrub Pad and leave your comments.

Happily married, mother of beautiful daughter, a foodie, travel enthusiast, shopaholic and a newly minted fitness seeker.

Source: https://www.beingtheparent.com/did-i-feed-germs-to-my-sweet-little-daughter/

The content is owned by Arjun KR. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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