Hypertension in Pregnancy: Symptoms, Risks And Treatment

By: Ambili S Kartha

Hypertension in Pregnancy

Being pregnant is such good news and yes, there are hundreds of complications which surprises a woman in her grateful journey of 9 months. You might have heard about the Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH). This is also called gestational hypertension. Doctors determine that an individual has Pregnancy Induced Hypertension when there is an abnormal level of protein in the urine.

What Exactly Is PIH?

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension develops high blood pressure during the pregnancy. This problem is even classified into three types namely the toxemia and pre-eclampsia and toxemia of pregnancy. It is just because of the fluid retention and presence of the protein in the urine, there are chances for this high blood pressure in the pregnant women.

What Are The Symptoms Of PIH?

These are the symptoms which one must be aware of while pregnant and doubt that they are having hypertension.

  • While vomiting sensation is common, the occurrence of blood in it is not common.
  • Having a terrible headache and excessive vomiting might be a matter of concern.
  • Swelling is even considered to be most common around feet’s but ensures to check with a doctor when it gets excess and appears for both hands and feet.
  • Presence of blood in the urine or problems with urinating (less or no urine).
  • Feeling rigorously tired and having dizziness as a problem in addition to buzzing sound in the ears.
  • Problems with the vision, like the blurred or the double vision.
  • Pain in the abdomen and feeling of rapid heartbeat.
  • Complications with fever or sudden blindness are the common symptoms which people usually face.

Other Types Of Hypertension During Pregnancy

Chronic Hypertension:

In this scenario, women will be having hypertension before they get pregnant. While there are even women who don’t know that they have this hypertension unless they come for the first check-up of after getting pregnant. On the other hand, after the completion of the 20th week, the chances of chronic hypertension will occur.

Gestational Hypertension:

In this case, pregnant women tend to have high blood pressure and that too at the end of the pregnancy. Other than this, there won’t be any sort of other complicated symptoms.

What Is Preeclampsia?

This is the pregnancy complication in the individuals who have high blood pressure. The major complication is the damage of organ systems like liver, kidneys etc. And this is just because of the increase in the blood pressure. This is the condition which occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy. If left untreated, it causes a serious organ failure for both baby and mother.

Who Is At Risk For PIH?

  • Women with first-time pregnancy are at high risk and either mother or sister has the history of PIH, then there are chances for the same to get repeated.
  • If the mother is carrying more than a baby, then the chances are high.
  • Women who are aged, say more than 40 years and are pregnant usually have high chances of pregnancy.
  • On the other hand, mothers who are having kidney diseases, and having blood pressure before pregnancy have the chances of PIH.

What Are The Risks Of PIH To The Baby And Mother?

Luckily, due to the routine monthly check-up, PIH is detected in time and hence most of the women experiencing PIH deliver a healthy baby.  However, without proper prenatal care, PIH can potentially harm pregnancy and the health of mother and child.

  • Placenta supplies nourishment and oxygen to the baby in the womb. PIH hinder the blood supply to the placenta. This, in turn, brings about low birth weight and other issues in the newborn.
  • Preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication associated with PIH poses a high risk in pregnancy and health of the mother.

Does High Blood Pressure Mean You Have PIH?

It is not exactly that while you have the high blood pressure, you will be facing the trouble of PIH. Rather, they will be checking the other factors like the presence of protein in the urine as well as excessive swelling. Only then the doctors conclude that the pregnant women have the problem of PIH.

Do Swelling Mean I Have PIH?

Swelling or stiffness is more common in every pregnant woman. However, these sorts of swelling will reduce with some relaxation. But the excessive swelling of PIH never come down and moreover gaining of weight more than 5 pounds is a caution for the individuals troubling with PIH. Consider all these things and just don’t fear that you have PIH just by seeing your swelling.

Do I Have To remove Salt From Diet If I am having PIH?

Avoiding salt is the best option in case of experiencing blood pressure. However, it is a very bad idea during pregnancy. Expecting mothers need the right amount of salt for the normal flow of fluid. Therefore instead of avoiding it altogether, stick on to the right amount of salt. Not a pinch more and not a pinch less.

Diagnosing PIH

The diagnostic tests include the blood pressure and the Urine test. To diagnose you first they will be as usual checking the blood pressure.

  • Blood Pressure:

If the blood pressure is high and it is never like this before pregnancy, then there are higher chances that you have developed PIH. Usually, blood pressure will be increased for the women based on their health condition. This could be either in the early stage or in the later stages of the pregnancy.

  • Urine Test:

If the results in the urine test show the presence of the protein found in the urine, then the chances are high for risk of PIH. So, checking urine is the next common thing when the doctor doubts that you are having high blood pressure that is troubling you during the pregnancy journey.

It is depending on the health condition and the trimester of the pregnancy the doctors will start the treatment. Doctors always want the mother to conceive at the earliest and safest time so that there won’t be any sort of risks for the mother and the baby. There is a strict necessity to get the right supervisor of the doctor for a safer pregnancy. Taking appropriate rest will help the mother who is having the trouble with the HIP. Even for the fetus, the doctors will be suggesting few tests to check for their health.

Stay cool with the right diet and proper exercises and deliver a healthy baby.

Source: https://www.beingtheparent.com/hypertension-in-pregnancy-symptoms-risks-and-treatment/

The content is owned by Ambili S Kartha. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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