Garlic for Fertility – Does It Really Help?

By: Ambili S Kartha

Garlic for pregnancy

In the present times, the process of childbirth has become a major concern and so has fertility. While there are many treatments available for the parents who are struggling with this issue, very few are aware that a very important kitchen ingredient, can serve as an ideal solution to their worries.

We shall now discuss the magic of using garlic for resolving all fertility associated issues, the goodness of garlic for this purpose, its goodness for male as well as female fertility and recipes that are made from garlic which boost the fertility.

Is Garlic Good For Fertility?

It is important to have foods that can resolve fertility issues. Do you know that daily consumption of 4 or five cloves of garlic can do wonders in your reproductive system? It is always advisable to take food that has more nutrition so that the body can get the derive best for its fertility purposes. It is ideal to add garlic while cooking to add the extra zest and spice and even to boost the love life. Let us now see the reasons that prove that garlic is good for fertility.

  • Garlic is enriched with medicinal properties that boost the quality of sex life and can even work as a great solution for impotence.
  • It helps to boost the fertility for both males and females.
  • Regular intake of garlic helps in keeping the sperms and eggs healthy and maintaining the health of the body.
  • Intake of garlic ensures to keep the body as well as the reproductive system healthy.
  • It also helps to purify the blood and boost the blood circulation
  • Garlic has selenium and Vitamins that help to alleviate any chromosome defects.
  • It even helps to boost the blood flow to all sex organs.
  • Raw garlic and ovulation are strongly interconnected.
  • Garlic helps to keep the male sperm healthy and thus the intake of garlic and fertility treatments work simultaneously.
  • Garlic is one of the antioxidants that help to treat impotency, especially in men by decreasing any damage to the cells.

How Does Garlic Help To Improve Male Fertility?

Garlic, as studied earlier, is famous for boost the potency quotient in males. It is even loaded with nutrients and vitamins that are important for a healthy and functional cardiovascular system. The ways in which garlic can help to boost the male fertility are as under:

  • Allicin-It helps in better blood supply to the sex organs and even helps in protecting the sperms.
  • Selenium-This works as a natural antioxidant that enhances the motility of sperms.
  • Vitamins C and B6 –These ensure the sperms being healthy.

Male fertility and garlic are inter-related as the daily consumption of the latter help to keep the blood pure and when this pure blood reaches the male sex organ on erection, it helps in better movement and in healthy production of sperms leading to a healthy baby in the end.

How Does Garlic Help To Improve Female Fertility?

Just like the relationship between garlic and male fertility is connected so is the female fertility and garlic as well. Garlic is famous as it helps to arouse ovulation and even help in preventing of chromosomal defects. The women who take garlic on regular basis have a pain-free menstrual cycle and even healthy pregnancy phase. Let us now see what role garlic plays to enhance the female fertility and some of them are as follows:

  • Vitamin B6 that supports ovulation is a major constituent of garlic.
  • Garlic enhances the quality of blood leading to a healthy pregnancy and baby.
  • Garlic is loaded with nutrients that help to keep the egg in healthy condition and prevents from any damages due to chromosomes.

Even though garlic has a strong and pungent smell, but it has major health benefits. It even helps in preventing breast cancer as well as other ailments and helps to maintain the weight issues and even keeps the skin, nails, and hair in healthy form.

Healthy Garlic Recipes To Boost Fertility

Knowing that garlic is a super food that can help in having a baby, it is suggested to make this ingredient a part and parcel of the meals taken. It is recommended to take 1-2 cloves of garlic in raw form almost daily. Do not take raw garlic on the empty stomach. Few people even take garlic milk as a cure for infertility issues, but its extra strong odor could be restraining for others. Read Let us have a look at a few recipes that can be made with garlic and which would not have the strong smell also.

Garlic and Honey Tea

  • Clear 1 or two garlic pods and boil in water to get the extracts.
  • Add honey to it and have as tea.
  • This should be taken in the early morning hours for boosting the fertility.

Garlic Infusion

  • You will need 1kg garlic which needs to be a grind and kept in a jar.
  • Add boiled water to the garlic concoction.
  • Close the jar with a lid and use a foil to cover the jar.
  • Keep this jar away from light, in a dark place for almost a month.
  • Keep shaking the jar regularly.
  • Have one teaspoon daily in the same manner or with a cup of milk.\

Garlic-Vodka Infusion

  • Take 1 kg of garlic and grind.
  • To this add 500 ml vodka and keep away from light for a week.
  • Take this one tablespoon thrice daily before all meals

Garlic And White Wine

  • Boil 1 clove of garlic in 200 ml of white wine.
  • Keep it in a glass for one day.
  • Consume 1 spoon daily almost one hour before the meal.

Garlic With Nuts

  • Mix 100 gms cooked garlic, 300 gm ground walnut, 100 gm hazelnuts, 1 kg honey and 50 gms Rhodiola Rosea roots
  • Take one tablespoon once daily after meals.

Thus, it can be said that garlic is the mantra to all childbirth and fertility issues. One needs to have a lot of patience to be able to benefit from the goodness of garlic. So, it is prudent to enjoy and reap benefits and enhance the fertility levels by making garlic as a must ingredient for your meals.


The content is owned by Ambili S Kartha. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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