All The Advice Parents Need On Prom In Sevenish Words

By: Helene Wingens

Prom, for better or worse, we all remember ours. And as it is always a huge topic on the Grown and Flown Parents group so we asked our veteran parents to help our first-timers by giving them their best promo advice in seven words.

Almost 600 responses poured in.

Prom Advice in Seven Words


It’s OK to go dateless friends ROCK! Mande Williams Kalbfleisch
Your date should be a friend= FUN! Tricia Todora Grove
He found his date on Tinder. Seriously! Anne Marie Humphries
No date required! Going with friends Rocks! Jill Miller
It’s ok not to go to prom. Lynn Klumb Deveaux
It’s much more fun to go stag. Lora Moszczynski McHale
Take a friend – not your crush! Karen Sneideraitis Caserio
Don’t be afraid to go without date! Marcy Card Wood

Prom advice

Prom girls (Amy Kate/Unsplash)


Oh my god enough with prom-posals already. Jill Cermele
Promposal isn’t necessary; let him ask his way. Sharon Excell-Schierle
Don’t try to win internet with promposal. Kaye Blackwell Long
Do not expect a fancy, expensive promposal. Dawn Parker


Hurry! Holiday dresses are on sale now. Tammy Kinney Leflett
If sharing a limo, collect money first! Theresa Heston Russo
Don’t watch Blockers the night before… Allana Moore Luterman
Put Find-My-Friends on, for comfort. Jen Bienstock Cohen
Have a plan B for outdoor photos! Susan Rusnack Thoelke
Have a sewing kit ready for emergencies. Cindy Black Hardebeck
Rain? Embellish umbrella with school colors & year. Lysa Ledbetter Sands
Don’t eat fried chicken in prom dress…Lisa Koster Fastuca
Don’t walk by teacher reeking of alcohol. Colleen Haddon Watson

Prom advice

Prom is such a fun night if you go with a friend. (JD Mason/Upspalsh)


Dress pockets are a girl’s best friend! Heather LaFavor Fitzpatrick
Buy the dress at the thrift shop. Susan Stelter McKee
Wear something that you won’t regret later. Jerri Graham
Who cares who’s wearing the same dress?! Kara Chamberlain Moran
Don’t go mudding in your prom clothes. Claudette Mendoza
The dress – feature only one body part. Monique Crawford
Size 2 really can’t be considered ‘fat’! Lisa Williams
Big boobs makes prom dress shopping frustrating. Rebecca Pendarvis
Boys come and go but the dress is forever. Vanessa Marie
A $100 dress-just as pretty as a $500 dress! Bridgett Miller
They only wear the dress ONE TIME. Beth Friedl Hauck

Prom advice

Going to prom with girlfriends is the best.


No to crazy updo she will regret. Teresa Meeler Kay
Book your hair and makeup appointment early. Brandy Powell
Button up shirt to get hair done. Donna Windham
Stay out of all girls’ hair decisions. Francine Inga Madera
Make a hair appointment now, reconfirm it! Martha Clark Ackermann


Try to find somewhat comfy high heels. Barbara Bellacosa
Walk in the shoes before prom. Michelle Mazur
Here’s your flats, you’ll thank me later. Deana De Jong
Bring flip flops to the dance to change into. Debi Klein
Matching Vans and Converse are acceptable. Amy Swanson
Wear tennis shoes under that dress, winning. Danielle Mehalic Meyers
Sharpie her name on the shoes. Ann Cooper Gieser
Carry gum.. it could save sole of shoe. #truestory Jacqueline Soto Shay

Prom advice

Wear sneakers to prom.


Make sure pre-prom snacks aren’t messy. Judy Granger Szalay
Hosting pre-prom is great for kids and parents. Erica Dennings


Do not buy the large photo package. PJ Mosher
“It’s not just about the pictures!” Ginny Jackson Bunn
Treat yourself to a professional photographer. Jennifer O’Grady
Take candid photos! They are the best!! Christine Sinicropi Anderson
Take a picture WITH your child. Dodi Mahan Walker
Take as many pictures as they permit. Traci Kline Kannon
Bring an extra memory disc for camera. Julie Peters
Get pic of the mamarazzi’s taking pics! Laura Goldware

Prom advice

The prom mamarazzi at work.


It’s okay if he wears white socks. Shelly Davis Rude
Buy a suit, don’t rent a tux. Cheryl Stoner Smith
Let HIM pick HIS tux, it’s HIS! Kelly Anne Achill
He doesn’t need to completely match her. Jennifer Wojtowicz Rispol
Boys will cost more than you think. Christi Naylor
Why do I have to get flowers? (Boy to Mom) Jan Shayne Rosen

Prom advice

Wearing a great tuxedo to prom.


Uber premium black car suv save$$$. Kim Mashoke Winn
Hire a limo so they don’t drive. Stephanie Gall Miller
Rent a limo. Better safe than sorry. Eve Carricato Cullinan
Pay for the limo – stylish and safe! Alex NeSmith
Bus break-down? Take-out on the porch rocks. Cheryl Lattimore Drury


Have Facebook fun, NOT Television news fun. Michell Balmforth- Eskeli
Enjoy every minute, it goes by so fast. Lara Kuhn Dodson
I love and trust you. Have fun! Sharon Noll Weiss
Have fun, be safe, make good decisions! Angie Dye Altizer
Enjoy the process and make beautiful memories. Rhonda Sides
Call me if you need to escape. Lisa Barone Burney
Please text me when you get there. Sharon Maze-Goen
So glad we are done with prom! Stacy Elizabeth Woodall Solis


Don’t volunteer your house for after partying. Susan Burdick Bariola
Be the house they go to after. Kelly Fabijanic
Parent community plan a safe after prom. Lynn Risley Lugo
Volunteer and support after prom event. Paula Millard
Fondue is great for after-prom! Janie Mabe Anderson
No boys allowed at the beach house! Cindy Nikkel Newpher
Host after party…hear all the stories. Patti Cummings


They are lying about after-prom plans. Melissa Brusso
Nothing good happens after midnight…come home. Amy Jo McCausland Greve
Just say no to the hotel room. Angie Bradshaw Clark
No packages whatsoever. They’re full of alcohol. Kricket Cody Harrison
Nothing good ever happens after midnight. Susan Kovacs Boles
What did YOU do on prom night? Kristine Covais-Ekberg
Hotel Room + Prom = Trouble (Former Hotel Manager). Sharon Excell-Schierle
Check the water bottles. There’s vodka inside. Nikki Suzanne
Please talk about safe sex and consent. Marybeth Loyd Bock
Don’t be naive about prom night shenanigans. Carolyn Keeler Brown


Bring tissues. You will cry a lot. Kathy Radigan
Every child is beautiful at prom! Karen Waymack
You were beautiful before dress and makeup. Joan Smith van Heerden
Somebody will end up crying before midnight. Ronni Miller Gardner


Donate the money you’d spend on flowers. LeAnne Caton
Don’t forget to order the stupid corsage! Molly Rhadigan Zink
Wait…we are talking about prom already? Ursula Bowes
Terrible prom nights make hilarious stories later…Shara Gustman
You are not invincible immortal or infertile. Luanne Burns Chamberlain
Remember, your best accessory is your smile. Janet Johnson Wells


Prom, Promposals, Promsanity: Why I am SO Over it All!

Why My Daughter Wore My Prom Dress and Loved it; Really!


The content is owned by Helene Wingens. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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