10 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids

By: Fabida Abdulla

When you’re a Mom, it’s a given that you’ll always have tons of stuff to do, and it can be hard to give your full attention to everything. However, even the busiest Mom can notice anything even slightly amiss with her kids, which is exactly what happened with my son.

He’s usually an active and happy child, but for a few days, he appeared a little out of sorts. It wasn’t like he was ill, per se, but something certainly wasn’t right.

An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems and discomfort, affecting kids' growth. Here are 10 simple Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids.

Of course, I did what any Mom does in such situations – call my own Mom! She listened patiently to me (as only Moms can do) and finally asked how his gut was doing.

His gut? I had suspected all kinds of things from eye strain to bullying at school, but his gut? That was the last thing I thought of!

When speaking of gut health, most people tend to resort to sniggers, especially since the food and health industry tends to put so much of focus on the calories, the amount of carbohydrates, the protein shakes and so on. However, little do we realize that none of this is going to matter much if our central system, the gut, is out of order. An important point that my mother made me realize, and she also suggested the cure – Enterogermina.

It wasn’t the first time I had heard of probiotics, but I somehow had the idea that they were for senior citizens. And this name, Enterogermina, was new. Since experience has taught me that Mom is always right, I decided to dig in and find out more about gut health and this new probiotic.

Why is Gut Health important?

 An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems and discomfort, affecting kids' growth. Here are 10 simple Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids.

Our gut comprises of the digestive organs, starting from the mouth all the way to the rectum. The gut microbiome or gut microbiota refers to all the microorganisms residing in the gut. These include several kinds of good bacteria which help to maintain a healthy ecosystem in the gut, with functions like digesting food, maintaining immunity as well as ensuring nerve health.

Babies are born with a sterile gut, and the intestinal bacteria starts to grow right after birth. The health of the gut then depends upon factors like diet, exposure to germs and use of antibiotics. By the time the child is three, his gut microbiome is more or less like that of an adult’s, and will stay with them for life.

That’s why it’s so important to ensure healthy gut habits right from the start. An unhealthy gut is obvious from all kinds of tummy problems like diarrhea or constipation, vomiting or indigestion, fussy eating or overall crankiness. Or as in my son’s case, not being yourself or being able to perform to your true potential.

The Entry of Enterogermina Probiotic


Now that I fully understood the cause, it was time to look into the cure. And that is how Enterogermina made its grand entry into my life! Enterogermina is manufactured by Sanofi India Ltd., and it’s a probiotic oral suspension used to enhance gut health and treat gut issues.

Enterogermina is made of the Bacillus Clausii, a healthy bacteria that produces antimicrobial substances that have been proven to be helpful against germs causing gastro intestinal infections.

An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems and discomfort, affecting kids' growth. Here are 10 simple Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids.

Okay, that sounds pretty impressive, and it was sufficient for me to make a decision to try Enterogermina for my son. Within a few days, he was back to his happy self and even seemed to have more energy than before!! This was indeed what he needed – something to boost his gut health. Like I said, Mom is always right!

There are many reasons that contribute to unhealthy gut bacteria, like stress, lack of activity and a bad diet. Here are tips to ensure that your little one has a healthy gut all through his life.

  An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems and discomfort, affecting kids' growth. Here are 10 simple Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids.

1. Breastfeed

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Since your newborn’s gut is sterile, breastfeeding is the best possible start you can give for good gut health in the future. Breastfeed exclusively for the first six months and for as long as possible after that. Breast milk has the ability to adapt to the baby’s age and needs, so it’ll always have something beneficial for baby.

2. Include more Fiber

An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems and discomfort, affecting kids' growth. Here are 10 simple Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids.

Diet is the number one factor for good gut health. It is important to include enough of both soluble and insoluble fiber so that food gets enough bulk to move through the system properly and bowel movements are easier. Foods like quinoa, oats, lentils and beans are good choices.

3. Cut down fatty foods

An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems and discomfort, affecting kids' growth. Here are 10 simple Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids.

Too much fat can affect the good bacteria in the gut, which is why it is recommended to stay away from all kinds of junk food, caffeinated beverages and candy. Include healthy fats along with high fiber foods for optimum digestion.

4. Include Lean Meat

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Easily digestible protein helps in better digestion and absorption of nutrients, keeping the gut area fresh and healthy. Chicken is one of the best kinds of lean meats to feed kids, and one that is easily digested.

5. Include Probiotics

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Probiotics are basically live bacteria that are good for health. Probiotics are available in different fermented foods like yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut. If these foods are difficult to find, a probiotic supplement like Enterogermina is the next best option. Enterogermina is the No 1 recommended probiotic by paediatricians and is ideal to restore gut flora to its optimal situation.

6. Opt for Small and frequent Meals

When planning your child’s meals, go for small and frequent meals. Firstly, smaller meals make it more likely for kids to eat without getting overwhelmed. Secondly, frequent meals give them continuous energy to sustain them throughout the day. Most of all, small and frequent meals keep the digestive system working, refreshing the gut at the same time.

7. Hydration

Including extra fiber and protein can backfire in case of dehydration. Ensure the child has sufficient fluids throughout the day. Water is the best option, but you can also try fruit-infused water, fresh fruit juices, tender coconut water or watery foods like melons and cucumbers.

8. Regular activity

Regular exercise is crucial for overall wellbeing, but particularly so for stomach health. Frequent activity encourages the intestines to speed up a sluggish digestive system and offers stimulation to get waste moving through the body. Certain yoga poses can also help relieve stomach pain.

9. Avoid unnecessary antibiotics

These days, there is a lot of focus on the abuse of antibiotics. Many parents insist on them at the first sign of watery stools, not realizing that they’re harming their child’s gut health in the long term. Not all loose motions require a course of antibiotics, and it’s best to avoid them as far as possible.

10.Encourage outdoor exposure

One of the best ways for a healthy gut and immunity is to increase the child’s exposure to germs. This is one reason that kids of older generations didn’t need antibiotics as frequently as kids today do. Do take care of basic hygiene, but avoid over-sanitizing. Let the kids play outdoors, in the mud and with pets. This will help build a natural immunity that no medication can substitute.

An unhealthy gut can cause all kinds of problems and discomfort, affecting kids' growth. Here are 10 simple Tips to Maintain a Healthy Gut in Kids.

As you can see, maintaining a healthy gut in kids isn’t that hard, but it’s important! Enterogermina helped my son get almost instant relief and you can try that along with these methods. Trust me; when your gut is okay, everything’s okay!

Source: https://www.mylittlemoppet.com/10-tips-to-maintain-a-healthy-gut-in-kids/

The content is owned by Fabida Abdulla. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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