Is Eating Rambutan Fruit During Pregnancy Safe?

By: Ambili S Kartha

Rambutan Fruit During Pregnancy

People generally include the most common fruits like mangoes, bananas, apples, papaya, etc. but there are a couple of more fruits whose nutritional qualities could take us by surprise. The fruits which are not common are delicious as well as have umpteen health benefits, especially during the pregnancy phase. So it is a good choice to be given to the mother and the baby.

Rambutan looks different and has a unique name as well. This fruit is not a common one and throws a bit of a surprise with its unique name and equally unique appearance. It offers enormous energy for the pregnant women when needed the most. This fruit is enriched with many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that have many health benefits as well.

Let us have a brief outline of this fruit, how it looks, its nutritional intake, health benefits, side-effects, the safety of its consumption, if it needs to be taken with or without seed, exceptions of having the fruit, the correct manner to buy it etc.

What Is A Rambutan Fruit?

This fruit is most common in the parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. It can be related to other tropical fruits as lychee, longan etc. It has a hairy look and many hair fibers that keep extending on the outer surface. This fruit is tender and moist, sweet and tangy in taste and enriched with many nutrients.

What Is The Nutritional Value Of Rambutan?

The fruit is enriched with manganese, zinc, sodium, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, fiber, vitamin B etc. It has a low calorific content. Apart from this, there are many other organic components like cinnamic acid, vanillin and other antioxidants that help with the complete health. The fruit is ideal for consumption as it benefits both the mother and the baby. It offers benefits that help in minimizing body fat and lowering the calorie intake of the body as well.

Is It Safe To Eat Rambutan During Pregnancy?

It is completely safe for the pregnant women to consume Rambutan as it has a surplus of health benefits yet it is to be taken in moderation and it is even important to know under what exceptions its consumption would be harmful and even the right way to consume it in pregnancy. One needs to be prudent enough and take possible measures to get the best out of the fruit.

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Rambutan in Pregnancy?

The Rambutan fruit offers benefits for all and not only the fruit even its leaves and barks are quite beneficial as it is nutrient dense hand extremely advantageous for the mother and the baby as well. Some of the health benefits are given as under:

  1. Minimises The Occurrence Of Nausea and Dizziness– Pregnancy hormones are different for all, some women go through nausea feeling throughout, while others for a short time or not at all, so consuming Rambutan offers relief to the ones going through dizziness and nausea.
  2. Ideal Source Of Iron- Rambutan is enriched with a good amount of iron and also helps to keep the hemoglobin levels under control. This even minimizes the fatigue caused during pregnancy.
  3. Fights Common Ailments– Rambutan is good for digestion purposes and also reduces constipation, helps to fight flu, common cold, fever, and headache and even helps to stay healthy during pregnancy. Adding Rambutan helps to minimize all signs that make one ill.
  4. Source Of Vitamin E– Rambutan is an ideal source of Vitamin E and helps in curing all sorts of skin problems for pregnant women, it is an excellent option to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks post-delivery. It also helps in the prevention of acne, fatigued skin, itchiness and skin degeneration etc.
  5. Controls Blood Pressure And Cholesterol-The consumption of Rambutan boosts the blood circulation helping to regulate the blood pressure levels. It even helps to minimize the swelling that happens in hand and the feet.
  6. Aids Digestion-Due to regular consumption of Rambutan the bowel movement is cleared which helps in reducing other bowel related issues, constipation, and diarrhea.
  7. Detoxifies The Body-Most of the illness is caused due to the presence of toxins in the body and intake of Rambutan helps in removing the toxins from the body.
  8. Improves the Immune System-The immunity system during pregnancy becomes very weak making them susceptible to all sorts of ailments and infections. Rambutan is enriched with copper that helps in producing more white blood cells that can fight diseases.
  9. Prevents Coronary diseases-When the fat gets deposited in the walls of the arteries and obstructs the blood flow, the oxygen supply to the heart is reduced which damages the heart and consumption of Rambutan helps to convert the fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to energy thus preventing the formation of excess cholesterol in the body.
  10. Healthy Hair– Consumption of Rambutan is effective for the treatment of dandruff and even different scalp related issues. It helps to offer more strength to the hair roots as well and women during pregnancy have hair related problems due to hormonal changes and so intake of Rambutan would certainly help in fighting these issues.

Does Rambutan Pose Any Side Effects During Pregnancy?

Rambutan certainly has many added advantages yet in some cases can have side-effects as well. It is better to study the conditions under which side-effects can be seen. One needs to be prudent and know about these situations in order to derive maximum benefit from their consumption and some of the situations are as below:

  • In case Rambutan is overripe, the sugar content turns to Alcohol that ends up in a rise of the cholesterol levels and not suitable for diabetic patients.
  • The over-ripened Rambutan is also not suitable for the people who have hypertension issues as the sugar turned alcohol increases the blood sugar as well.

When Should Pregnant Women Stay Away From Rambutan Fruit?

The Rambutan if overripe is not advisable for the pregnant mother and the baby in case the mother has high blood sugar levels as excess fluctuations in the blood sugar level is detrimental for both the mother and the developing baby as well.

Is The Seed Of Rambutan Safe To Eat?

The seeds of the fruit are not a safe option to be eaten as it reduces the blood sugar levels, ejects the worms in the intestine etc. The seeds are bitter in taste if eaten raw and toxic as well. However, if roasted they are safe to be eaten. It is thus advisable to have the juicy and delectable flesh but the outward peel and the seeds are a bit poisonous so one should have seeds only if they are roasted or cooked well.

Guidelines For Buying The Rambutan Fruit

Rambutan is essential for both the mother and the baby. This fruit is no doubt enriched with many nutrients but it would be wiser to know the process of selecting and buying it since it is not a common fruit and not easily available as well. Let us follow the tips given below to know the right way of buying this fruit. Some tips are as under:

  • The best Rambutan will be a red colored one and the deeper it is, the much better is the quality.
  • The ones which are bought for the pregnant women should be ripened and not over-ripe.
  • The ones which have spikey hairs are fresh and deep red in color.
  • In case the spikes of the fruit look dried up or withered, it is the indication of the rotten fruit.
  • The best Rambutan will be a stiff one and also have a good amount of flesh but no extra juice.

Thus, the fruit is enriched with nutrients from almost all food groups and is extremely beneficial for the consumption by pregnant women due to its plentiful benefits for both the mother and the child. It is safe to be taken daily and one can relish it totally but it would be ideal to have a word with the doctor before starting on it.


The content is owned by Ambili S Kartha. Visit site here for other valuable articles.

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