To the Mom With a Teen Who Just Doesn’t Seem to Care

By: Grown and Flown

I watched my son walk to my car last Friday after school. I love picking him up; there’s something about seeing him with his friends and the visceral relief you see in their smiles.

It’s nostalgic since I remember feeling the same way, but what I love even more is watching him and seeing him in a space that’s different than the one he’s in when he’s with me when he doesn’t think I’m paying attention.

As he gets closer I notice there is something smeared all over his white T-shirt. I have no idea what it is, but I’m certain he doesn’t care. He slept at his father’s last night, and as I ask him what’s all over his shirt, his brother and sister chime in. “He went to school like that,” they tell me simultaneously.

Of course, I could say something to his dad about it and fault him for letting his son arrive at school in such a state, but I don’t.

I know all too well how their morning went because I’ve had many confrontations with him about his clothing, if he’s taken a shower or done his homework on time, and he just doesn’t care. Not even a little bit.


When a teen doesn't seem to care about what we think they should

If he walks into school with stained clothing, an oversized whitehead on his nose or the same pants he’s worn the last three days in a row, it doesn’t bother him in the least.

I don’t understand it and we had many throwdowns about this, and other subjects at a very early hour.

He keeps his room looking like a murder scene and when I tell him to clean it up it consists of him bringing down a sink full of dirty dishes and throwing everything else under the bed.

He doesn’t try hard in school despite being a smart kid who is excellent in math and science. At 15, I literally can’t read his penmanship and he doesn’t put any effort into projects– he just doesn’t care.

I’ve tried; I’ve taken him to counseling; I’ve loved him really hard and I’ve backed off.

And then…

There have been moments I’ve screamed at him trying to get across how much I want him to care; how much I want him to live up to his potential, but it doesn’t help.

Nothing does.

I’m telling you this because I want you to know if you have a teen who doesn’t give a flip about many things, you aren’t alone. I know there are so many teenagers out there thriving and thinking about college and how many goals they are going to score in tonight’s game, and then there’s your kid.

They are good and kind and can be really sweet and dammit, you love them– it’s guttural and huge. But you just wish they would care. You wish they’d shower a bit more, and not treat their room like a junk yard.

You wish they would live up to their potential in school and play ball because seriously, they have skills they are hiding.

You’ve tried it all and nothing you do works and it brings you to tears. You wonder if it’s something you’ve done, if you’ve pushed too hard, or not enough.

But I have to tell you, it not just your child.

So many moms are feeling this way despite what they post on social media or what you see on the field. Those are just snippets from a highlight reel, it’s certainly not the whole story.

I know my son has gifts, he’s found a few but not all of them. I know he will in time, he’s just not ready yet and I’ve realized I can’t squeeze them out of him.

I’m not giving up, I’ve made a commitment to myself I’d let him be because what I’m doing now; what his father is doing now, isn’t working. We are both baffled, we both did well in high school and couldn’t wait to go to college and honestly, I wouldn’t have been caught dead walking around high school in a stained shirt and if my room looked like his I’d cry.

We raised him to be a good kid and a good adult; you have raised your kid to be a good human, too. I know you have.

That doesn’t stop because all our efforts are being blatantly ignored, but maybe we can give our self a damn break and realize we can’t force them to care about things they don’t. We want it to happen organically of course, and I don’t think it’s going to if I keep shoving cleanliness, organization, working harder in school, and acne pads down his throat.

My son is lovely. He doesn’t skip school, he gets his work done by the skin of his teeth, he takes care of me when I get sick since his father moved out.

But he doesn’t want to play sports, he couldn’t care less if he was wearing clean clothes or has deodorant on or if all his friends are in the Nation Honor Society and he could be too if he tried just a bit more.

He lacks desire and motivation.

My son, he doesn’t care about a lot of things right now and if your child doesn’t either, let’s try and remember (together because I need support here) there are worse things.

I think as his mom I’ve worried other people will notice his nonchalant attitude and think it means I haven’t shown up for him. Maybe you’ve worried about that too. Perhaps you are worrying about it at this very moment.

But mother to mother, let’s let go of that thought and the fact they could be doing so much more with their life right now despite our support and out nagging and focus on the positive things they bring to the table, because there are many.

Please know though, you aren’t alone; your child is not alone and I have a feeling they are going to be just fine.

The writer wishes to remain anonymous.


Grown and Flown Fall Style: Navy from Head to Toe

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